Saturday, January 7, 2012

Blog Post 2: Evaluate how you applied research-based guidelines to your lesson and how these guidelines enhance learning.

I used research based guidelines by really looking into what I wanted to convey in my lesson as well as what would be appealing to my audience without being overly graphic in my content.

I know that students now a days are visual learners. With information readily available to them at all times, you have to be able to bring that ooh and ahh that those gadgets bring into the classroom. At the same time, you have to be careful not to completely distract them as well.

The media and content that I choose ranges from audio clips to pictures. Many of the principles covered during the course of the class helped understand how graphics and text combine to make a lesson better without making the audience feel overwhelmed or stupified by the end of the lesson. By looking into the concepts a bit further, I was able to create a lesson that was eye catching and very informative as well.

In all, I believe that I was able to cover all principles by simply looking into each concept and understanding how e-learning really works.

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